Pierre Warzee

Year of birth : 1960
  • B.Sc. degree and master in economic and social sciences (University Faculties Notre-Dame de la Paix - Namur - 1985).
  • Specialised certificate in taxation (the upper Institute of trade - Saint-Louis of Brussel - 1985).
  • Post-graduate in taxation (Fiscale Hogeschool St Aloysius of Brussels - 1990).
  • Registered auditor (1991).
  • He has more than 20 years experience in company audits including 17 years with one of the leading international auditors where he was partner until 2003.
  • He is responsible for the control of numerous industrial societies or for services as well as for societies or organisms of the public or nonprofits area.
  • Past recognised auditor in the control of insurance firms (1995-2001).