Would you like to save time and submit faultless financial statements that comply with current legislation and regulations? Would you prefer considering the financial statements not just as an obligation, but as a useful basis for the future of your company? Then outsource the preparation of the financial statements to RSM.

What is your company's financial position?

The purpose of financial statements is to communicate your company's financial position to all stakeholders. Shareholders, investors, the Customs and Tax Administration, banks and other stakeholders want to know your company's financial position. We analyse this clearly and quickly, allowing you to immediately use the insights gained from the financial statements to increase your returns.

The financial statements as a basis for the future

RSM not only prepares the financial statements, but also provides the necessary audit opinions. This allows you to use the financial statements also as a basis for discussions regarding expansion plans, financing, risks or strategic reformulations. What's more, we go beyond the figures. You can use us as a critical sparring partner and confidential advisor, and where necessary we will connect you with the many specialists working within RSM.

Benefit from our full service

You can engage RSM purely for the preparation of your financial statements. But RSM's strength lies in our broad expertise and full-service provision: we have all the disciplines you need in-house to conduct your business efficiently and successfully. You can create additional efficiency by combining the preparation of the financial statements with other services, such as:

  • (partially) outsourcing your administration
  • advice on automating or setting up your administration more efficiently
  • preparing tax returns
  • auditing your financial statements
  • pre-audit services
  • developing management reports
  • and any other financial or tax issues.

You decide what you need exactly. We would like to advise you on how to become as efficient as possible.

Would you like more information?

Would you like more information about preparing your financial statements, or would you like to know what RSM can specifically do for you? Please contact us.