Tax Services

Mengelola kewajiban pajak merupakan hal penting dalam menjalankan bisnis, terutama ketika mempertimbangkan dampak internal dan eksternal dari strategi investasi agar dapat menghasilkan struktur pajak yang efektif.

Setiap usaha harus mematuhi peraturan pajak yang semakin kompleks, terutama untuk bisnis yang aktif secara internasional karena adanya transaksi lintas negara (cross-border).

Kami dapat membantu baik perusahaan asing maupun lokal dalam menghadapi berbagai masalah perpajakan di Indonesia yang mencakup proses awal struktur pajak (initial tax structuring) hingga membantu perusahaan selama pemeriksaan pajak (tax audit) dan permohonan pajak (tax appeals).

Dengan menggunakan tenaga ahli pajak kami disertai para ahli pajak di RSM International yang tersebar di 820 kantor di seluruh dunia, kami juga telah membantu banyak perusahaan yang melakukan bisnis di luar Indonesia dan yang dihadapkan dengan permasalahan rumit terkait pajak lintas negara dan pajak internasional.

Bagi para investor yang sudah melakukan investasi, maka jasa yang kami berikan adalah membantu memaparkan penilaian perpajakan dan/atau mengurangi konsekuensi dari pemeriksaan pajak untuk mengurangi kerugian dari perpajakan yang tidak perlu (unnecessary taxation), yang dampaknya bertujuan untuk meningkatkan laba setelah pajak (profit-after tax).

Sementara bagi investor asing, perencanaan pajak yang efektif merupakan hal yang kritikal, dimulai dari tahap perencanaan pendirian usaha di Indonesia. Oleh karenanya masalah perpajakan antar negara harus ditangani secara seksama dari awal.

Para profesional pajak kami memiliki pengalaman dan pengetahuan menyeluruh atas peraturan perpajakan baik di Indonesia maupun peraturan perpajakan internasional untuk memastikan agar bisnis Anda mematuhi peraturan yang selalu kerap berubah. Selama bekerja, kami memastikan adanya komunikasi yang mudah dan konstan, kerja sama yang erat, penginformasian peraturan perpajakan yang relevan, dan dukungan oleh jaringan internasional kami di seluruh dunia.

Jasa tax kami meliputi :

  • Business Tax
  • International Tax
  • Tax Merger & Acquisition
  • Transfer Pricing
  • Tax Audits
  • Tax Dispute Resolution

Jika jasa pajak kualitas premium yang dibutuhkan, maka Anda dapat dengan yakin memilih RSM Indonesia. Jika Anda ingin mendapat saran mengenai perpajakan atau bagaimana konsultan pajak kami dapat membantu Anda, jangan ragu untuk menghubungi kami sekarang. 

How we can help you with Tax

RSM provide both local and international tax services to help put you in control, worldwide.

With globalisation and increased cross-border activities, internationally active businesses are looking to align their global tax position with their overall business strategies and goals to maintain competitive advantage and provide value to shareholders. When you are operating across a range of global markets, it takes a huge amount of time and dedication to stay on top of the ever-increasing complexity of tax rules around the world.

RSM specialise in working with organizations that require in-depth, up-to-date knowledge of local rules allied to seamless co-operation between tax professionals in different jurisdictions. Our international tax consultants have the vast knowledge and experience to provide practical, value-added tax planning and cost-effective cross border solutions. We maintain strong professional standards with strong accountability, commitment towards our clients and projects.


Our international tax advisory services include:

Cross-border tax structuring and planning

Advice on application of tax treaties and its business implications

Intellectual property planning and migration

Regional headquarters structures and substance rules

Tax incentive applications

Tax investigations and audit

Tax efficient structuring of employment packages


When it comes to M&A deals, tax structuring is critical and fundamental, whether from the perspective of the purchaser or seller, value creation and protection is vital in a time of change, be it merger, acquisition, disposal, IPO or other refinancing.

Our team of M&A tax possess extensive experience having been involved in diversified and large M&A deals. We will work side by side with you to understand the underlying transaction and your objectives and develop the most efficient structure in terms of acquisition, ongoing operating model, and financing to achieve long-term sustaining value.

Leveraged on our global tax network, RSM can guide you through the M&A environment in a congruent manner. Having built close collaboration and synergies in other parts of our transactional services, and with external advisors in the field of M&A deals, we are able to offer pragmatic M&A tax and transaction solutions for you to cut through the complexity and achieve your ultimate goals without worry.


Globally, transfer pricing has captured the attention of tax authorities who are keen to ensure their fair share of global tax revenues. In the last decade, transfer pricing has evolved into one of the most challenging tax issues faced by tax professionals. With its potential to have a significant impact on the effective tax rate, organizations must pay close attention to their transfer pricing policies, documentation, and reporting. With the onset of domestic transfer pricing, these issues are not limited to multinational enterprises alone, but impact businesses in the domestic space as well. The developments on the policy front, including the prescription of harmonised tax law regulations has the potential to impact the transfer pricing policy of the businesses.

Our team assists Indonesian and Multi-National Corporations develop and implement economically justifiable transfer pricing policies and documentation. Our team have significant experience in transfer pricing matters and have worked on developing and implementing solutions for clients in several sectors related to complex transfer pricing issues. We help businesses in developing and implementing effective transfer pricing strategy and policies as well as in preparation of transfer pricing documentation (including for meeting CbCR requirements). We also have extensive experience in transfer pricing dispute management and in assisting clients with Advance Pricing Agreements (APA), both unilateral and bilateral.


Our transfer pricing services include:

 Transfer Pricing Documentation – we assist businesses to design and implement a suitable compliance policy with an appropriate level of documentation.

  Transfer Pricing Planning & Supply Chain Structuring – we provide assistance in developing and implementing economically viable Transfer Pricing policies including policy support for business restructuring. 

Litigation Support / Transfer Pricing Controversy Management – we help clients develop strategies and appropriate documentation to support and manage the tax audit/appeal proceedings.  Advance Pricing Arrangements – we can assist preparing a robust Transfer Pricing policy aligning with business and commercial substance along with deciding on various documents and information that need to be shared with tax authorities during negotiating and implementation of an APA program.



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