India Budget 2023 - Publication

We are pleased to enclose herewith our publication viz. 'India Budget 2023 – Highlights' wherein we have analysed the Union budget tax and other Regulatory Proposals announced on 1st February 2023.

In our publication, besides covering the significant highlights of Union budget 2023, we have also endeavored on making the publication a round-the-year handy referencer by including chapters such as applicable tax rates, CFO’s Income Tax Checklist, Compliance Calendar under various regulations, G20 Countries tax rates, etc.

Additionally, considering the changing global regulatory framework and also various tax incentives available domestically for businesses, we have included the following chapters for their ready perusal:

  • OECD Two Pillar Approach : An Overview
  • Tax Incentives for Businesses including PLI & Indirect Taxes
  • Reading the Indian Treaties through MLI Lens



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