Bimo Iman Santoso
Audit Partner


Current role description

Bimo is a Partner for Audit Practice at RSM Indonesia and has joined the firm since 2018. He has more than 20 years experience in accounting and auditing for international companies, private sector, state-owned enterprises, and public companies in various industrial sectors in Indonesia.

Before joining RSM Indonesia, he worked for one of Big Four public accounting firm.

Current service skills and experience

Bimo has a lot of experience with regard to the audit or review of financial statements, the application of mutually agreed procedures for various purposes and also has a lot of experience assisting clients in carrying out various corporate actions such as IPO, stock issuance and debt securities effect. In the field of audit, he has experience in conducting audits of internal control over financial reporting (ICoFR) based on PCAOB for a subsidiary of a parent entity listed on the United States Stock Exchange.

Bimo was also involved in conducting financial due diligence in the context of mergers and acquisitions in the financial industry, especially the process of mergers and acquisitions of several banks in Indonesia.

During the implementation of PSAK 50, 55 and 60 (IFRS 32, IFRS 39, and IFRS 7) in Indonesia, Bimo has a lot of experience helping various banks and non-bank financial institutions in Indonesia in implementing these SFAS, including providing training internal and external in various clients and agencies. Likewise with PSAK 71 (IFRS 9), he became a member of the working group formed by OJK, became a resource person in various internal and external training opportunities and conducted gap analysis related to IFRS 9 implementation.

Current sector or industry expertise

Bimo provides services to clients from various sectors, as well as multinationals. He takes a client-focused approach and has the technical skills, knowledge, and ideas to provide clients value in most industries. He has major expertise in providing services in the banking and non-bank finance industry with experience in both private banks, state-owned enterprises, local banks or foreign banks, and open banks, as well as non-banks such as insurance companies, insurance brokers, pension funds, finance companies, securities companies, and investment management companies.

Approach to service delivery and other

Bimo takes a fresh perspective and uses an intelligent risk-based audit approach, working closely with clients to understand their business and identify future challenges. He collaborates with experienced and dedicated experts to address specific needs and carry out his clients' vision. He balances high-level procedures while maintaining attention to detail, using robust and insightful journal testing and analytical data procedures. Clients can expect timely services that meet deadlines and keep them regularly updated to identify and resolve problems.


  • Bachelor of Economics, majoring in Accounting, Universitas Indonesia
  • Certified Public Accountant (CPA), the IAPI
  • Chartered Accountant (CA), the IAI