Sylvia Anggraeni
Tax Partner


Current role description

Sylvia is a Partner for Tax Practice in RSM Indonesia with more than 20 years of professional experience. 

Current service skills and experience

Sylvia is specialized in leading corporate tax advisory, tax dispute & resolutions, tax due diligence, tax diagnostic review, transfer pricing documentation and tax compliance to a client in diversified industries.

Current sector or industry expertise

Sylvia has in-depth and broad experience assisting multinational and local companies across different industries, including manufacturing, trading, pharmaceutical, and warehousing service.

Approach to service delivery and other

Sylvia is highly knowledgeable in client business and the services delivered. She provides advice on complex tax issues taking into consideration not only tax regulations but also business and practical considerations.


  • Bachelor of Social Sciences, majoring in Fiscal Administration, Universitas Indonesia, Indonesia
  • Registered Tax Attorney, the Indonesian Tax Court
  • Registered Tax Consultant, Brevet C Category, the Directorate General of Taxes