NGOs and International Cooperation Bodies

A non-governmental organization (abbreviated as NGO) is a private entity with purposes and objectives defined by its members, created independently from local, regional and national governments as well as international agencies. NGOs have different legal status such as association, foundation, and corporation, among others. The NGO sector is referred to by different names such as voluntary sector, non-profit sector, solidarity sector, social economy and third social sector, among others.    

NGO membership is composed of volunteers. Internally, NGOs can have low or high levels of organization. Financing of NGO activities derives from different sources: individuals, governments, international agencies, companies, other NGOs and so on. 

NGOs can operate locally or globally and cover a wide variety of aims and scopes defining its work and operation. They can be aimed at humanitarian assistance, public health, research, economic development, human development, culture, human rights, technology transfer, and ecology, among others.   

It is not about replacing governments’ or international agencies’ actions in their corresponding countries, but covering and helping those areas where there is no social or economic policy or where such policies are unsatisfactory for some society groups. NGOs also report cases of corruption, abuse of power and infractions by governments.

How can RSM Peru help you?

At RSM Peru, we examine proper use of funds by counterparts so as to ensure international cooperation is received by the intended beneficiaries. Also, we have a team of experts specializing in this sector. Consequently, we are capable of offering the widest range of professional advisory and consulting services. 


Contact us by phone +51 (1) 612 8383 / +51 (1) 372 6262 or submit your questions, comments, or proposal requests.