Alijon Khudoyorov
Consulting Manager

Mr. Alijon Khudoyorov is a Manager in consulting services department within the firm. Mr. Alijon has graduated from the Tajik State National University, faculty of International Economic Relations. He holds a Bachelor of Science in Management and Finance and a Master of Business Administration (MBA) degree from Bellevue University, USA.

Mr. Khudoyorov has an experience in management and finance consulting sphere in private and public organizations and international donor funded projects. Among his previous positions, Alijon served as an independent consultant for one of the leading professional services firms with the responsibility of assessing and analysing enterprise fiscal risk mitigation opportunities.  He also served as a trade services expert in a public economic development organization of Tajikistan. 

Over the course of his professional career in a multi sectoral environment, Mr, Alijon has developed skills and values enabling him to respond to the needs and challenges of rapidly changing business environment.   Check