It is important to have a good balance between the carbon emission and the comfort and wellbeing of everybody.

To ensure a carbon reduction in line with regularity it is important that this carbon reduction baseline should be challenging. With a clear and transparent heading to 2050 climate neutrality.

As carbon reduction has an immediate influence on energy and acts immediately on comfort, a special attention needs to be addressed to the wellbeing of the co-workers.

Three separate blocks with content behind:



If we refer to emission, we think about the carbon footprint. It is the collection of the following greenhouse gasses: Carbon Dioxide, Methane, Nitrous Oxide, Fluorinated gases. These gases are transformed in a unique comparable measure which is the carbon dioxide equivalent (CO2e). This is the standard that is used worldwide to measure The Carbon Footprint.

Carbon Dioxide (CO2) occurs naturally in volcanoes, hot springs, groundwater and glaciers. But non naturally in fossil fuel burning, cement production, deforestation, agriculture.
Methane is 25 times stronger than carbon dioxide in terms of its global warning potential. Naturally, it originates in wetlands, volcanoes, methane-producing insects and animals, and within the oceanic floor. Non naturally in activity such as burning fossil fuels, raising livestock, cultivating rice, and dumping in landfills.
Nitrous oxide is 298 times stronger than carbon dioxide.  It occurs naturally in the ground and is produced by industrial manufacturing, the combustion of fossil fuels, and the breakdown of agricultural fertilizer, but also present in rocket motor oxidizer, as an internal combustion engine speed booster, as an aerosol spray propellant, and as an anaesthetic and pain reliever in dentistry, childbirth, and surgery around the world.

Fluorinated gases are present in refrigerants, aerosol propellants, foam blowing agents, solvents, fire retardants. These gasses are like thousands time stronger than carbon dioxide.



In order to achieve the agreements, whether is by the Green Deal, the United Nations or any other sustainable regulatory organization, to evolve to a climate neutral planet, reduction of the CO2e is necessary. Different methodologies exist, but all of them are aiming the same: drastic reduction and stop to add more CO2e. This is the Net Zero approach. Around the world there is a consent to go for a net zero by 2050.



The reduction of CO2e will have influence on the comfort we are used to. Our aim is the have a good balance between de reduction of the carbon footprint and the comfort and wellbeing of each and one of us. This is a challenge for nobody wants lesser comfort than we have today. Fortunately, technics will help a whole way in this reduction, and we will embrace some changes of habits like moving from ‘automobility’ to mobility. We saw some major changes during de pandemic which comforts me in knowing that we are very able to change fast.



As climate changes fast and will have an enormous influence on our businesses I can only advocate to make sustainability part of your company’s risk management. 
One of the risks that you will encounter will occur in your supply change and could have an influence on the continuity of your productions, it could have an impact on your financial plan, on the cost of products, the selling price and so much more.

But the risks assessments will converge with the sustainable risks to become one and the same. 

The carbon footprint and linked sustainable goals that one can find in the non-financial reporting will probably become more important than the financial reporting. Where the HOW and WHY will beat the WHAT.