Index 794,54


I. Contribution limits (health insurance and retirement insurance)

Social Minimum Wage (SMW) Index 100        251,54 €

Minimum contribution limit (1 x SMW)         1.998,59 €

Maximum contribution limit (5 x SMW)      9.992,93 €

Dependence insurance (tax allowance 25% of SMW)      499,65 €

II. Social security contributions


Employee’s part

Employer’s part

Pension insurance

8,00 %

8,00 %

Health insurance

Benefits in cash

Benefits in kind


0,25 %

2,80 %


0,25 %

2,80 %

Employer’s mutuality

Class 1

Class 2

Class 3

Class 4







0,51 %

1,23 %

1,83 %

2,92 %

Accident insurance


1,00 %

Health at work


0,11 %

Care insurance (not capped)

1,40 %



III. SMW income

Nonqualified workers (minimum)

                    18 years and more        1.998,59 €

                    17-18 years                   1.598,87 €

                    15-17 years                  1.498,94 €


Qualified workers (minimum)          2.398,30 €



                    18 years and more          1.598,87 €

                    17-18 years                     1.279,10 €

                    15-17 years                     1.199,15€


lV. Family allowances

Child allowance (monthly)

New system (from 01.08.2016) per child                    265,00 €

Old system (rights opened before 01.08.2016) :

                    1 child                                                  265,00 €

                    2 children                                             594,48 €

                    3 children                                          1.033,38 € (…)


Increase of child allowance by age (monthly)

                    6-11 years old                                    20,00 €

                    > 12 years old                                      50,00 €

Special allowance for disabled child (monthly)                     200,00 €


School start allowance  (yearly)

                                     6-11 years                                                     > 12 years

Per child                          115,00 €                                                        235,00 €


Child raising allowance (monthly)

Education of child aged 0 to 4 years 

                    Full-time                                        485,01 €

                    Half-time                                       242,50 €


Parental leave (old system before 01.12.2016)

Full-time (6 months)                                        1.778,31 €

Half-time (12 months)                                       889,15 €


Parental leave  (new system from 01.12.2016)

Income calculated on base of income and hours declared to the CCSS during the previous 12 months the beginning of the parental leave and limited.


Average hours

Lower limit

Upper limit

40 hours (full-time)

1.998,59 €

3.330,98 €

30  hours (full-time)

1.498,94 €


20  hours (full-time)

999.29 €

1.665,49 €

10 hours  (full-time)

499,65 €

832,74 €






Corinne JAMIN – Manager                                 

Tel +352 26 97 97 34 34                           

[email protected]                                


Manuel HACK - Partner

Tel +352 26 97 97 34 40

[email protected]