The guarantee scheme of the Flemish government has been created for entrepreneurs who are not able to deliver sufficient guarantees to the bank. In this case the Guarantee Fund can provide the requested guarantees and this up to 75% of the financing amount. The entrepreneur pays a one-off premium for this.
The Flemish Region takes over part of the risk from the bank. Of the 2,007 guarantees issued, 646 were used to finance an acquisition (32%), representing almost 116,051,096 euros in guarantees. This is a growth of 40% compared to 2018.

The number of Win / Win loans, a tax-friendly form of financing for friends and relatives of entrepreneurs, also peaked last year. 272 takeovers were co-financed through these loans. A private person can lend up to 50,000 euros to a Flemish SME for a duration of 8 years.

