Climate change is one of the major challenges of the 21st century. Digital technology is a great tool for progress, but unfortunately it has a strong impact on the environment.

Today, the sector's greenhouse gas emissions are estimated at 4% of total global emissions. With an increase in energy consumption of 9% per year, the digital sector will be one of the major sectors for environmental issues in the coming years.


Awareness of these environmental issues is growing, both from the political world, associations and consumers. Thus, companies, whatever their size, should be able to control their digital impacts.


Green IT, also known as Responsible Digital (RD), is the application of Corporate Social Responsibility (CSR) to digital technology. It therefore aims to take into account the environmental issues linked to digital transformation and integrates social and economic issues.


Green IT is composed of several work streams, grouped into 4 areas:

  • Green for IT, i.e. the implementation of practices to reduce the environmental impact of digital technology (calculation of the sector's carbon emissions, evaluation of the pressure on resources, etc.).
  • IT for Green, corresponding to the use of digital technology to reduce environmental impact (IT system for optimising energy consumption)
  • Human for IT, i.e. the implementation of means to reduce the impact of digital technology on humans. This impact can be reflected in the digital divide or on health through poor waste management, etc.
  • IT for Human, simply the use of digital technology to help reduce societal gaps (disability, poverty, etc)


These four areas can include a number of actions ranging from the implementation of a reasoned and responsible purchasing policy to training by raising awareness of Green IT issues in the business lines and improving waste management circuits.


To identify the most relevant levers for you, RSM intervenes through an approach allowing :

  • Carry out a Green IT Audit
  • Assist you in designing your strategy
  • To accompany you in your transition


We also carry out analyses of combined IT ecosystems integrating security and Green IT issues.

Our objective is to help you go further in your Green IT approach in order to have a more economical and respectful IT.

These elements echo your ambitions, you want to have a positive impact?

Do not hesitate to contact us to find out more!

If you are interested or want to know more about #GreenIT or any other topic related to #ITRA, our experts are here to discuss with you!

Our IT Advisory Specialists