On February 15, 2018, two important Normative Rulings were published by the Federal Revenue of Brazil – RFB (Brazilian IRS), providing adjustments in the foreign trade sector in order to simplify procedures, to update Customs Procedures and to ensure the constant improvement and its effectiveness.

Among them, the Normative Ruling n°1,790 /2018 established procedures regarding the customs clearance of aircraft goods, equipment and components for repairing, revision and maintenance of aircraft purposes.

In addition, the Normative Ruling n°1,789/2018 was published, which amended Normative Ruling n°1,600/2015, aiming to provide simpler procedures to Special Customs Regimes such as Temporary Admission Regime and Temporary Export.

Among the main modifications brought by NR n°1,789/2018, it should be highlighted the followings:

a) import of fiscal stamps may be also submitted to the temporary admission special customs regime with total suspension of the payment of federal taxes;

b) customs clearance of import will be based on Import Record (DI) or Simplified Import Record (DSI), registered at Siscomex, proportionally to the time of permanence of the goods in Brazil;

c) the possibility of fulfillment of the regime for parts and replaced parts, when performed without the related good;

d) the term of application of the temporary admission regime may be rejected by the Federal Revenue authority responsible for granting the regime;

e) assets admitted to the Regime, or parts and pieces can be sent abroad without suspension or interruption of the regime term for maintenance, repair, testing or demonstration.

Our team is available to discuss the new rules.



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Daniel Maia
Partner | Global Trade
[email protected]