RSM BG is a specialized independent auditing company within the meaning of the Bulgarian Statutory Act of Independent Financial Audit. The Company performs independent financial audits and provides audit opinions on periodic financial reports of commercial entities. RSM BG also performs audit and provides independent opinion on the reports of beneficiaries and their particular projects under various grant and support programs, consisting mainly of programs sponsored by the European Union. The Company also performs transaction, vendor and acquirer due diligence for business combinations provides additional services such as accounting, business assessment, tax advice and corporate finance advisory.

Headquartered in Sofia, Bulgaria, the Company's operations consist of audit and assurance, accounting, tax advice, corporate finance advisory services, risk advisory and corporate and assets valuation. 

The team members of RSM BG is selected among experts having academic degrees bachelor and master in the fields of accounting, finance, law, management, international business relations, computer technologies etc. We are proud to announce that at the moment there are 5 certified public accountants in RSM BG. Two of the certified public accountants, except the manager, have doctor degrees (PhD) in economics, as well. One of them is ACCA since more than 5 years.