María Jesús Hernández
Partner. Tax & Legal

María Jesús Hernández is a partner at RSM and specialises in Economic Criminal Law and Compliance.

She has more than 20 years of experience and is specialized in Criminal Law and Corporate Compliance for companies.

Her professional practice focuses on preventive and reactive criminal law: Corporate Compliance, internal investigations, the defence of clients before the courts, the defence of clients during investigations by the Public Prosecutor and / or inspections by the Spanish Tax Authorities, Social Security or SEPBLAC.

María Jesús has advised and/or represented clients in a variety of industries including companies in the food and engineering sectors, funds, financial entities, individuals and public interest companies.

Furthermore, she is the author of several articles for specialized magazines, and a regular contributor to different online and offline media. She is currently an associate professor at IE, lecturer in Civil Law at the School of Legal Practice of the ICAC Bar Association; in Banking and Finance - Blockchain at IE. She is a recurring speaker at the Association of Economists of Catalonia and is recognised by the International Comparative Legal Guides as an expert in Prevention of Money Laundering and Terrorist Financing in Spain in its third edition Anti-Money Laundering 2020.