
Lean Consulting

Our lean consulting offering is designed to encourage clients to adopt lean business principles within their organisation to increase performance and competitiveness. 

Lean tools and techniques are helping entities across the globe to address competitiveness issues within their businesses by building the short and medium-term capability of their people to identify problems and improve operations. 

Our lean business services are not only for manufacturing companies. A number of or clients across construction, retail and government are keenly adopting Lean methodologies to enable them do more with less. 

We are pleased to offer our lean consulting services as part of Enterprise Ireland’s Lean Business funding offer. Under the programme eligible Irish companies can avail of funding to alleviate a substantial proportion of the investment in undertaking a lean project which meets their needs. 

Our lean consultants are black belt accredited and all our assignments will include formal training and practical experience throughout the project definition and implementation phases. Each lean project is rigorously assessed with baseline KPIs and final outcomes being robustly compared. Every project is expected to deliver savings for the client which directly reflects the level of investment spend. 

Details of the two most subscribed programmes under the Enterprise Ireland Lean Business offer are set out below:

LeanStart provides an introduction to lean concepts and allows you to gain an understanding of what the tools and techniques can do for you and your company in a short, focused engagement. The initiative is designed for companies that are unfamiliar with and lacking capability in business process improvement methodologies such as lean and/or other best practice methods specific to particular business sectors.

A LeanPlus assignment is a medium-term business process improvement project which will result in sustained use of Lean techniques and related methodologies by the company, and will achieve significant measurable gains in capabilities and competitiveness. The LeanPlus assignment should;

  • deliver significant productivity improvement and cost reductions,
  • embed a culture of business improvement and lean techniques to a cohort of trained staff, and
  • introduce a programme to pursue company-wide improvement.