If a Board and workforce is exhibiting the right behaviour and is equipped with the right skills, effective corporate governance and success should easily follow.

Whilst change can be daunting, people are the engine room of any organisation and must be shown and bought into what the business expects of them.

Championing tone at the top is critical, and so it makes sense to begin with an organisation’s Board. It is key to structure the Board with the right diversity of talent to enable constructive challenge, ensuring the organisation tackles emerging issues and trends in the right way. Boards must ask themselves whether they have the right people at the top, and if not, then they must act to correct this. Boards cannot expect to deal with a diverse range of issues, if they themselves are not diverse.

Diversity is more than gender or ethnicity. It also needs to extend to a diversity of background and specialisms or skills, ensuring a socially mobile Board whose perspective is holistically constructed. The makeup of a Board can demonstrate what an organisation is prioritising at any one time.

Download our guide to learn the key considerations a Board must address to ensure true diversity and explore how effective corporate governance should be shaping your business.


Download trust in the boardroom sustainable governance guide