The importance of good governance structures cannot be overstated. Good corporate governance helps organisations to operate more efficiently, improving access to capital, mitigating risk and safeguarding against mismanagement. It also makes organisations more accountable and transparent to investors.

At RSM our Governance team is here to help you through our advisory services to ensure that you get the most value from your corporate governance and risk management. We can assist you to design and implement practical and proportionate governance and risk management solutions and advise you on the right corporate governance structure and specific aspects therein.

It is important for every board to continue to learn, improve and focus on the full range of issues that are or may impact the organisation. Recent corporate governance failures have heightened regulatory and public attention on board performance. At RSM, we conduct Board of Directors Assessments for clients which include a review of Board composition and structure, skills sets, operations and performance evaluations aimed at optimising the overall performance of the Board.

Effective corporate governance is a passport to success. It is the Board’s responsibility to secure an ethical future for an organisation, and effective corporate governance should be the vehicle through which Boards do this. Get our guide -Securing your future: a guide to leading through sustainable governance.

a guide to leading through sustainable governance

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