Effective corporate governance and risk management are critical to business performance and the achievement of organisational objectives. They form the bedrock of all successful organisations and ensure organisations survive, adapt and thrive into the future.  

At RSM, our team is here to help you ensure that you get the most value from your corporate governance and risk management. We can work with you to evaluate and improve the effectiveness of your organisations’ risk management processes and internal controls. We achieve this through reviewing governance structures and practices, making value adding recommendations to ensure governance strategy is not only compliant, but maximises overall organisational effectiveness.

Our corporate governance reviews assess corporate governance (including risk management and compliance processes) framework, policies and practices against industry best practice and relevant governance codes of practice.

Our approach

Our typical review approach combines interviews with relevant personnel and a review of documented policies and procedures to identify the key controls inherent in the in-scope areas. Providing assurance in relation to the adequacy of those key controls, we also make recommendations to improve controls and systems to overcome any departures from regulatory, legislative or best practice requirements. The focus of our reviews are to provide you with meaningful and constructive feedback and recommendations to add maximum value.

We have conducted these reviews for clients across a range of sectors against the relevant codes of practice.

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