Lara Conticello
Associate Partner

Lara Conticello is Associate Partner at RSM Società di Revisione e Organizzazione Contabile S.p.A., where she is responsible for the team Ri.Co., Risk and Compliance.
Specialized in Risk Assessment and Internal Control System, Lara is in charge of the projects for the implementation and updating of organizational models under the Legislative Decree 231/2001, as well as of projects regarding ESG and gender equality certification.
She is a member of the Supervisory Board for Italian companies and multinational groups and has held the position of Head of Internal Control, pursuant to the Corporate Governance Code of Borsa Italiana.
Lara is a Statutory Auditor registered at MEF (Italian Ministry of Finance) and has extensive knowledge of Sarbanes-Oxley Act (SOX) projects, being head of the specialized team at a leading auditing firm.
Lara Conticello has enriched her education achieving a Master in Problem Solving and Strategic Coaching (Level I and II) and a Training Master in Corporate Counseling.
Since 2017, she has been a member of the Italian Register of Counselors S.I.Co. (Italian Counseling Society).
- Associate Partner at RSM S.p.A.
- Head of Risk and Compliance, MOG 231, ESG and gender equality
- Member of the Supervisory Board pursuant to Legislative Decree 231/2001
- Auditor of Mid-Large National and International Companies
- Internal Audit and Operation Director as part of governance projects and implementation of internal control systems for Client Companies
- Head of Financial Planning Analysis of Client Companies
- Head of Internal Control pursuant to the Italian Stock Exchange's Corporate Governance Code
- 231 Organizational Models
- Internal Audit
- Non-financial reporting
- Auditing at international firms
- Sarbanes-Oxley compliance
- Transition to IFRS
- Due Diligence
- Budgeting and Controlling Systems
- Food and Beverage
- Chemical-Pharmaceutical
- Digital and Technological
- Energy - Oil & Gas - Water
- Fashion
- Industrial
- Infrastructure and Transportation