Luca Pulli

Luca has been Partner at RSM Italia since 2017, responsible for coordinating all activities in the area of Strategy and Digital Mindset and to follow audit activities for companies listed on Euronext Milan.
In his career, he has gained significant expertise in the fields of consulting and innovation. In particular, he has developed a high level of expertise in the value chain and its processes through the use of design thinking and gaming.
He has gained significant experience in the management of companies operating in the Luxury, Fashion, Lifestyle and Retail sector and in the Logistics and Transportation sector.
Luca has international training, having worked in Paris for three years.
He graduated in Economics and Business at the Bocconi University in Milan and obtained his MBA at the Alta Scuola di Formazione of the Università Cattolica in Milan.
- Partner at RSM Società di Revisione e Organizzazione Contabile S.p.A.
- Head of the Innovation Lab at RSM Italy
- Lecturer at the 24 Ore Business School in accounting and finance master courses and at the University of Salento in commercial law subjects
- Member of the CODIR (Executive Committee) of a leading company in the energy sector
- Chartered Accountant and Statutory Auditor
- Audit & Assurance
- Design Thinking & Lean
- Gaming
- Digital Mindset
- Fashion, Luxury, Lifestyle and Retail
- Logistics and transportation
- Energy
- Services