Family businesses are the heart of the Maltese economy. We are proud to be the advisors to this lifeline of the local economy.

We believe that succession in a family-run business must give due regard to not only the technical, fiscal, and financial aspects of the transition but also to the family-based considerations. In our work we support the business and the family in managing the transition in a manner that preserves family and business harmony.

As we facilitate this delicate process, we adopt a strategic approach backed by a sound methodology. We have a core set of individuals that can think strategically and bring to the family business boardroom a structured proven approach. This approach supports the business owners in assessing options and making informed decisions. We adopt proven approaches to elicit the aspired collective outcomes from the family.  We manage the phases through a methodology that aims at integrating family communication, addressing concerns and issues, and grooming the successors.

Our approach is mostly facilitative. The transition can be daunting. The planning, the accountability, monitoring, facilitating and driving towards healthy conclusions and outcomes is a full commitment. We will facilitate and provide practical and actionable advice.

We are hands-on alongside you in the journey by organising and executing activities, reporting back from such activities, designing guidelines and documentation, and facilitating the endorsement of such documentation through family communication fora. Our expertise spans disciplines and professions. We have built over the years’ experience in supporting business owners in managing the critical facets of business – whether that is the strategy, people, assets, finances, and so on.

And finally, we firmly believe in our philosophy of being the Trusted Advisor. We are fully cognisant of our role in such a sensitive process. We will provide you with a frank and trustworthy sounding board that has your business and family interests at heart, but we will not take the decisions for you.

How we’ve helped clients:

  • Assess ownership transition options and facilitate the process of selecting courses of action
  • Review future business governance options, board structures, and design the formulation of new leadership structures
  • Create documented guidance that provides clarity to the family members on the succession process and activities
  • Construct and maintain communication and decision-making fora for transparency, fairness and accountability through the process
  • Assess future leaders and support in the planning of development and growth of the successors
  • Provide developmental opportunities on corporate governance

Contact us for a tailored conversation on the future of your family business.

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