Vladimiro Comodini

Vladimiro Comodini is the Principal leading the NextGen Advisory.

He joined RSM Malta at inception and made it to Principal in 2009. Working closely with his fellow principals, Vladimiro supports the firm to drive business development & growth and client service strategies focused on strengthening the firm’s position in the local market.

Vladimiro has over 30 years experience in various areas starting from Audit, Outsourcing and for the past 15 years in Advisory.  Vladimiro has extensive experience, both with local and international clients, in multiple-industries. He is specialised in remote gaming, compliance and transaction support including mergers & acquisitions and restructuring.

Academically, Vladimiro is a Certified Public Accountant and Auditor, a Certified Information Security Auditor, and is Certified in Risk and Information System Control. He is member of the Malta Institute of Accountants and a Past-President and Board member of the ISACA Malta Chapter.

Having Corporate Social Responsibility at heart, Vladimiro is an active member of Hospice Malta, being both a Council Member and Treasurer.