The integration of ESG criteria into business strategy has become increasingly important in recent years, as investors, consumers and their stakeholders in general are increasingly looking for organizations that adequately manage environmental and social issues in their operations.

In addition, by developing an ESG strategy, companies gain a competitive advantage in the marketplace and can have better long-term financial performance. This is because by taking these criteria into account, they can mitigate legal risks and reputations, as well as attract investors and consumers who are increasingly aware of environmental and social impacts.
At RSM we accompany your organization in the step-by-step development and implementation of the ESG strategy, for which we provide various services that allow the company to address ESG criteria in a comprehensive manner or in a modular way according to the needs of the organization.

Our services include the selection of customized indicators, with clear timelines to achieve financial, sustainability and operational objectives.

How do we do it?

Our Subservices


Stakeholder mapping is an essential tool for any organization seeking to establish effective and trusting relationships with its stakeholders, which can assist in project co-management. 
This process involves the identification and assessment of relevant stakeholders, enabling the creation of an effective engagement plan, the prioritization of stakeholders and the creation of more sophisticated engagement strategies.

What we offer at RSM

At RSM, we have a methodological route for the identification and characterization of social and key stakeholders that could be fundamental and decisive in the construction and implementation of business projects, which allows us to advise our clients in the identification and management of their stakeholders and in the creation of effective relationships with them.


Materiality analysis is a fundamental risk management tool for companies that allows them to prioritize the most relevant issues for the organization, understand how they affect their stakeholders, their business model and improve their sustainability performance. 

As a result, the company can align its sustainability strategy with the expectations of its stakeholders and mitigate the associated risks. In addition, this analysis allows focusing the positive impact and minimizing the negative impacts, improving communication with stakeholders.

What we offer at RSM

At RSM, we offer full support in materiality analysis, providing companies with the necessary tools to make informed decisions and develop sustainability strategies consistent with their values and long-term business objectives.




To measure the success of a company's sustainability strategy, it is essential to have appropriate key performance indicators (KPIs).
These KPIs are also an important tool to monitor the company's performance in terms of sustainability in the social, environmental and organizational pillars, allowing to visualize in real time its progress and make appropriate decisions to ensure compliance with the objectives at the end of the period.

What we offer at RSM

At RSM, we offer support to companies in the definition of KPIs of the sustainability control panel, in order to incorporate them into the Balanced Scorecard (BSC) and have an efficient and effective management in the implementation of the sustainability strategy.



Any company is exposed to a variety of financial or reputational risks. 
ESG risks are those related to the effects that the organization causes on the environment or society, as well as on the stakeholders and the organization itself. By properly managing its environmental and social risks, an organization can improve the overall quality of its processes.

It is essential that companies proactively manage these risks to protect their reputation, ensure their long-term sustainability and fulfill their obligations to stakeholders. Effective ESG risk management can contribute to the creation of a more resilient, sustainable and ethical company.

What we offer at RSM

RSM advises companies on the effective management of ESG risks through a multifaceted process that requires a solid understanding of the potential threats and opportunities that these risks represent, which allows them to:

  1. Integrate the environmental and social risk system into the organization's operating procedures

  2. Plan the implementation process with other changes in operating procedures.

  3. Obtain a clear view of the organization's ESG performance and uncover opportunities for improvement.


RSM, with its expertise, will guide your company in aligning the corporate strategy with the standards of the 2030 agenda, through

  1.  Identification and prioritization of the Sustainable Development Goals (SDGs).

  2. The formulation of management indicators for them within the company, 

  3. Formulation of an action plan for the fulfillment of these goals

In such a way as to ensure that sustainability is a result of the main strategy of the business, which will allow it to identify corporate opportunities and attract capital, strengthen relations with stakeholders, be aligned with legislative developments and strengthen risk prevention; stabilize markets, by contributing to their development and access to products and services.


A company's ESG strategy should be materialized through the implementation of sustainability projects that reflect its commitment to its stakeholders,

These projects can range from implementing energy efficiency practices to promoting diversity and inclusion in the workplace, reducing carbon emissions, improving corporate governance and creating value for various stakeholders.

What we offer at RSM

At RSM we help organizations to design and implement projects with high economic, social and environmental profitability, promoting triple bottom line businesses, thus contributing to the generation of shared value, productivity, competitiveness, innovation and development of the country.


Sustainable investment focuses on investing in companies or projects that consider environmental, social and corporate governance factors in their decision making and performance. In addition to their financial performance, it takes into account their impact on the environment, society and compliance with ethical and transparent practices. The benefits of sustainable investment include risk reduction, new investment opportunities, profitability, contribution to sustainable development objectives and compliance with legal and regulatory obligations.

What we offer at RSM

At RSM we offer consulting and advisory services to accompany companies on their path towards sustainable investment, with environmental, social and governance (ESG) measurements in the strategies and processes of financing, insurance and corporate finance including:

  1. The assessment of the current situation

  2. Development of policies and procedures

  3. Application of the Green taxonomy in the company's activity for the identification and evaluation of investments that can meet environmental objectives and can be considered as sustainable in Colombia.

  4. Information support for the attraction of capital in financing and investment. 

  5. Risk assessment.

  6. Training


Sustainable corporate governance is essential for companies to operate in a responsible and sustainable manner in the long term. 

These practices and policies seek to balance the interests of all the company's stakeholders, with the objective of achieving sustainable economic, social and environmental development. In addition, implementing sustainable corporate governance practices can have significant benefits for the company, including reducing risks and operating costs, increasing employee satisfaction and retention, generating innovation and business opportunities, and contributing to sustainable development in general.

What we offer at RSM

RSM can help companies develop sustainable corporate governance policies and procedures, as well as provide training and coaching, sustainability reporting and risk assessment to ensure that companies are operating in a sustainable and responsible manner.