Sustainability & ESG Pillars

Innovation For Sustainability

Innovation for sustainability is a key strategy for companies seeking to be competitive while contributing to sustainable development. By developing new technologies, processes and business models that are more resource efficient, negative impacts on the environment and society can be reduced while enhancing positive impacts. This can translate into the creation of new products and processes that add value to the customer and the company, as well as the implementation of internal policies that promote environmental awareness and encourage collaboration among different stakeholders.

At RSM we are leaders in innovation, we have methodologies and tools oriented towards sustainability that cover from ideation to implementation of projects to address environmental, economic and social challenges, based on creative, effective and profitable solutions.


Circular Economy Strategies

The circular economy is a business approach that seeks to maximize the use of natural resources and minimize waste. Rather than following the traditional linear model, the circular economy focuses on keeping products and materials in use for as long as possible, reducing waste generation and regenerating natural systems. 
The benefits of the circular economy are diverse, including cost reduction, increased efficiency, revenue diversification, regulatory compliance, reputation enhancement and fostering innovation.

Regulations are currently being developed internationally and by local and national governments aimed at regulating circular economy practices by companies, which requires that companies are evaluating their processes and migrating towards the integration of circular economy best practices.

At RSM we support our clients in the design and development of: 

  1. Best practices of circular economy within companies.

  2. Structuring of the business model based on circular economy.

  3. Circular economy manuals and operational plans

  4. Guidance and preparation for compliance with circular economy standards.

  5. Projection of business models based on circular economy.

  6. Advice on strategy implementation (monitoring, follow-up and reporting).

Artificial Intelligence For Sustainability

From RSM, we have the responsibility to guide organizations from all sectors in ESG criteria, aligned with market trends, society and technology.

We are sure that Artificial Intelligence is a tool and engine of change and innovation for Sustainability, which plays a transformative role and enhances the possibilities for enriching the scope of Environmental, Social, Economic and Governance for Organizations, as well as for the dissemination of advances within companies.