Complaints Procedure

Quality is a top priority for RSM. To us, your satisfaction as a client is an important gauge of quality. However, despite all our precautionary measures, it may be the case that our work has not been carried out to your complete satisfaction. We regret this most sincerely. We would therefore ask you to report this to the staff member concerned or, where appropriate, to their managing partner to try to reach a solution with the people concerned. If the complaint is not resolved to your satisfaction, you can contact the compliance officer via RSM Nederland to submit a formal complaint under this complaints procedure. To do so, send an e-mail to [email protected]. If the complaint relates directly to the compliance officer’s work, you can contact the executive committee via the RSM Nederland secretarial office. The address of the secretarial office is: RSM Netherlands Holding N.V. t.a.v. dagelijks bestuur, postbus 30, 2130 AA Hoofddorp.

Objective and scope

The purpose of this complaints procedure is to give you, the client, the opportunity to complain about the performance of RSM’s partners and staff, where it has not been possible to resolve these complaints by mutual agreement. To this end, this procedure is mentioned in the confirmation of the assignment.

1. Responsibility of compliance officer/executive committee           
The compliance officer is responsible for recording complaints and discusses with the executive committee how to handle and publish details of complaints about our organisation’s partners and staff or people employed in an office belonging to the network of which our organisation is a member.

2. Submitting a complaint:

a. A complaint must be submitted in writing, be duly signed and contain at least:

  • the name and address of the submitting party;
  • the date and signature;
  • a clear description of the conduct against which the complaint is being made;
  • the name of the partner and/or staff member(s) to whom the complaint relates.
  • if you have a proposal for settling your complaint, you can include that as well.

b. Complaints are submitted to the compliance officer (for address and contact details, follow the above link).

c. RSM will disregard any complaints made orally or anonymously.

3. Acknowledgement of receipt of written complaint

The compliance officer will ensure that anyone submitting a written complaint will be sent an acknowledgement of receipt and information on the complaints procedure within a week of receipt. If a written complaint fails to meet the requirements set out in 2 above, the complainant will be given the opportunity, within two weeks of receipt, to rectify the failure within two weeks.

4.  Complaints procedure

a. The complainant is consulted within two weeks after the complaint has been received. Among the aims of this consultation is to establish whether the complaint can be settled by mediation and whether the complaint merits being taken further.

b. If the consultation or mediation results in a solution with which the complainant is satisfied, the complaint is not taken further. The complainant and the person(s) to whose conduct the complaint relates are informed in writing that the complaints procedure has ended.

c. In cases where consultation with the complainant or mediation does not result in the complainant’s satisfaction, the complaints procedure continues.

d. The management committee will set in motion a more detailed investigation into the complaint and, depending on the nature of the complaint, call in the relevant experts.

e. Within eight weeks of receiving the complaint at the latest, the management committee will communicate its findings to the complainant in writing and giving reasons.

5.  Recording complaints

The compliance officer will ensure that each written complaint is recorded. The record will contain the following details:

  • name and address of the person submitting the complaint;
  • the date;
  • a description of the conduct against which the complaint was made.

It will also contain details of the way in which the complaint was submitted, handled and settled, of the time it took and – if applicable – of the management committee’s opinion and of any measures taken as a result of the complaint.

6.  Date of entry into force

This procedure entered into force on 1 January 2012.