Companies with an N.V. or B.V. legal form are subject to corporate tax. Foundations, associations, partnerships and foreign companies operating in the Netherlands are also obliged to do so under certain circumstances (permanent establishment). RSM has extensive experience in advising on and preparing corporate tax documents. Because of our personal approach we get to know your company through and through. As a result, we are always able to provide you with bespoke advice and assistance.
Thanks to continuous training and intensive mutual exchange of knowledge, our permanent team of tax specialists keep abreast of what is going on, thus allowing them to anticipate (forthcoming) changes in legislation and regulations. We also know our international colleagues well, enabling us to advise international companies on the tax legislation per country. Furthermore, we unburden you by flawlessly taking care of your corporate tax returns in all countries. So you know exactly where your company stands.
Our corporate tax services
Our services are clearly structured in terms of advice and operational work:
- Corporate tax returns
- Optimising tax position and structure
- International tax advice and transfer pricing
- Mergers & acquisitions
- Tax audits and horizontal monitoring
Would you like more information?
Would you like to know more about what the tax consultants can do for your company's corporate tax? Please contact us.
Meer informatie?
Neem dan contact op met de fiscale afdeling van RSM en stel uw vragen over uw jaarstukken en aangifte vennootschapsbelasting aan ons