The innovation can be understood as doing something new or different, or modifying something already existing, and creating something that generates value, meaning that the market adopts it, either for the company internally or externally as the development of new products or services.
A company that is interested in innovating recognizes that to remain relevant in the market and to be a leader in its sector, it must change the way things are done or must generate incremental or disruptive changes in the products and services it offers.


RSM utilizes the Innovation Radar tool, which allows us to understand an organization's relative position across seven dimensions. This enables the creation and determination of an articulated and coordinated action plan aligned with the organizational strategy. This initial diagnosis is complemented by an assessment of technological capabilities, recognizing the crucial role that new technologies play in an organization's innovation level. RSM supports the organization in diagnosing, analyzing, and defining the roadmap to advance and mature the current innovation model.


The innovation process must be closely linked to corporate strategy and requires the definition and implementation of all elements necessary for its proper definition and successful implementation. At RSM, we have the experience, resources, methodology, and tools to support this strategic innovation journey.


  1. Innovation Strategy

  2. Design and Construction of Innovation Ecosystems

  3. Integration of Innovation into Strategic Direction

  4. Innovation Dashboard

  5. Open Innovation


RSM conducts a diagnosis of innovation culture and designs a joint plan with the company to carry out organizational cultural transformation towards a more innovation-prone environment. A time-bound action plan is created with specific activities, which may include communications, workshops, self-assessments, redesign of physical workspaces, implementation of intranets and corporate social networks, among many others, to create the conducive atmosphere for innovation to begin happening organically.