The Women’s Empowerment Principles (WEPs) offer guidance to businesses on advancing gender equality and women’s empowerment in the workplace, marketplace, and community. Established by UN Women and UN Global Compact, the WEPs are informed by international labour and human rights standards, recognising businesses' stake in and responsibility for gender equality and women’s empowerment.
WEPs serve as a primary vehicle for corporate delivery on gender equality dimensions of the 2030 agenda and the United Nations Sustainable Development Goals.
“As an international organisation of over 64,000 people across more than 120 countries, RSM International making this public commitment in signing the Women’s Empowerment Principles is yet another indication of gender equality as one of our business priorities.
Women play a key role in building confidence in a world of change for our people, clients, and communities and RSM International is committed to playing our part so that gender equality becomes a reality.”
By joining the WEPs community, RSM International has signalled our commitment to this agenda and pledged to collaborate in multistakeholder networks to promote business practices that empower women. These include ensuring equal pay for work of equal value, implementing gender-responsive supply chain practices, and maintaining zero tolerance against sexual harassment in the workplace.
Transparency and accountability: The UN’s Women’s Empowerment Principles

"The WEPs are designed to be a vehicle that addresses the United Nations Sustainability Development Goal number 5 – Gender Equality, but they are also more than that. Of course, it helps for there to be a business case for the benefits that gender diversity brings to business, employees, and communities, but building the path towards a gender equal future is a moral imperative."
Candice Eaton Gaul
Global Leader - Diversity and Inclusion
RSM International