RSM’s global structure is fundamentally aimed at executing RSM’s global strategy and building cohesion across Member Firms. 

The Global Executive Office is a central international team, based primarily in London, and seeks to enable the advancement, transformation and sustainability of the Network through harnessing the full power of the global organisation. It provides leadership to RSM’s Regions, Committees and Service and Sector Groups and supports each Member Firm to drive growth. The team is responsible for: 

- Executing RSM’s global strategy.
- Maintaining and growing RSM’s geographic coverage. 
- The development and maintenance of global processes, policies and methodologies, and oversight of Member Firm implementation of these. 
- The development, management and protection of the RSM global brand. 
- Facilitating global independence. 
- Coordination of international client opportunities, business development approaches and international referral protocols. 
- Managing and delivering the Global Member Firm Inspection Programme. 
- Facilitating global engagement and collaboration. 
- Global training initiatives, events and HR guidance. 
- Development of RSM’s global technology infrastructure and information security. 
- Ensuring the financial health of RSM International.

RSM is organised into six regions to facilitate regional cross-border collaboration and the sharing of information and best practices across Members. Generally, each Region includes a Regional Council and a Regional Leader, supported by a Regional Coordinator. The Regions are responsible for: 

- Supporting Member Firms. 
- Regionalising and championing global initiatives to drive progress against Network objectives. 
- Building regional engagement and collaboration. 
- Supporting succession development and identifying/ developing Next Generation Leaders within Members. 
- Supporting proactive business development and growth initiatives. 
- Assessing and coordinating large global client opportunities. 
- Providing support and guidance to Member Firms on their growth journey. 
- Driving referrals between Member Firms within and across the Regions. 
- Identifying new markets and potential professional services firms for recruitment within their Region. 
- Working with the Global Executive Office on regional go-to-market strategies.

The delivery of services within, and across, RSM is enhanced by Leadership Groups, Service Line Groups, Centres of Excellence and Industry/Sector Groups. These teams and structures are responsible for: 

- Creation of global methodologies, processes and frameworks. 
- Development of existing services and the identification of new services.
- Management of shared digital spaces to promote collaboration between experts across the global organisation.
- Development of appropriate sub-groups around particular service focus areas.
- Delivery of relevant e-learning, training materials and training events.
- Recommendations regarding adopting and integrating new technologies and digital applications.
- Development of go-to-market approaches aligned with global messaging.
- Identification of cross-border client service opportunities.
- Building widespread internal and external knowledge of RSM’s capabilities.

RSM has a number of focused committees tasked with maintaining, improving and leading the development and use of new technologies and standards of
quality. These committees ensure that the operations of the Network are sustainable, protected, and consistent. This includes being responsible for:

- Implementation of technology to improve existing processes to streamline and build consistency in our operations and levels of quality. 
- Developing or adopting new systems to enhance Member Firm and client experiences. 
- Adopting and improving on industry best practices and standards to ensure RSM remains at the forefront of the profession. 
- Overseeing RSM’s programme of due diligence on prospective firms. 
- Overseeing the Global and Member Firm Inspection Programme. 
- Promoting consistent methods and processes to create alignment in quality and efficiency across the global organisation. 
- Developing appropriate training and supporting materials to embed the above.

The RSM International Board of Directors is the governing body of RSM International Limited. Its objectives and responsibilities include:

- Creating, approving, and overseeing implementation of the international Strategy for the Network 

- Oversight of matters relating to the membership of RSM, including admitting new members and termination of membership 

- Oversight of the ethical and effective leadership of the Network 

- Approving the Network budget, operational plan and Member Firm fees 

- Safeguarding Network assets and satisfying itself that the Network has adequate systems and controls in place 

- Strategic risk management of the Network and oversight of risk management policies and best practices 

- Overseeing processes to ensure adherence to quality standards by Member Firms 

- Determining and overseeing the process for CEO succession.

Governance of the Network

Chief Executive Officer (CEO)

The CEO is appointed by, and accountable to, the RSM International Board. The CEO has overall responsibility for leading on the execution of the Network’s strategy and for developing and growing RSM for and on behalf of its Members. On an annual basis the CEO prepares and presents to the Board for approval an annual Operational Plan which outlines the key global activities to deliver against the strategy. The CEO works closely with the Board, Regions, Member Firms, leadership teams and external advisers to deliver on the responsibilities of the role. The CEO also leads the RSM Global Executive Office (GEO) which is based in London but has staff located in a number of global locations.

Chief Operating Officer (COO)

The COO works closely with the CEO to help drive RSM’s strategic plan and central activities, with responsibility for managing several of the Global Executive Office functions. This includes regional and operational support, a number of leadership groups and Centres of Excellence, Member relations, legal, brand and digital, IT and marketing communications. In addition, the Regional Leaders report to the COO on their activities and workplans for the year, which are aimed at helping Member Firms in their Region to continue developing, collaborating and growing.

RSM International Limited Board of Directors

RSM International Directors are each appointed for a period of three years, after which they become eligible for re-election. There is provision for the appointment of an additional three directors by the Board who may serve for a period up to three years and who would also be eligible for reappointment. The Chair is also elected for a three-year term and may be re-elected for up to two further three-year terms. Neither the Chair nor the Directors are remunerated.

To assist in discharging its responsibilities, the Board has established eight subcommittees:


Assist the Board in the discharge of its responsibilities relating to: oversight of RSM Membership matters; assessment of the processes, practices and the results relating to RSM International’s governance; and oversight of relevant existing governance documents.


Oversight of the administration of the Board appointment process.


Assist the Board in the discharge of its responsibilities relating to: the safeguarding of RSM International’s assets; the operation of adequate systems and control processes; and the preparation of accurate financial reporting information and statements in compliance with all applicable legal and regulatory requirements and accounting standards.


Assess and recommend to the Board the remuneration of the CEO and other senior management.


Provide additional analysis to the Board regarding the strategic risk management of RSM International, determining that risk management best practices and policies are established, and formalising Risk Appetite Statements for review and approval by the Board. The Board’s Risk Committee collaborates with the Global Executive Office Operational Risk Team, which is comprised of the CEO and the Global Leader for Quality & Risk, who are supported by other Global Executive Office staff.


Consider and provide recommendations to the Board regarding areas of the Strategy that may need to evolve due to the impact of ongoing internal or external factors, and assist the Board in creating frameworks and defining approaches to track global, regional and local progress towards achieving RSM's strategic goals.V


Detailed consideration of Network quality matters to equip Member Firms to deliver uniform high-quality professional services and to achieve full alignment with RSM Network policies and procedures.


Provide support to the Board with regard to day-to-day management of, and communications related to, potential security incidents.