Jackie Kitching
Director: Risk Advisory


Jackie has been with RSM South Africa since  September 1995 and was appointed as an Audit Partner in March 2006. Her experience includes the audit of companies in the wholesale, manufacturing, services, consulting, not for profit, education, food and beverage and franchise industries.​

Jackie has acted as the sign off Audit Partner on listed companies and has also acted in the capacity of a Reporting Accountant Specialist for corporate actions undertaken by listed companies. A Reporting Accountant Specialist is qualified to perform all functions in terms of the JSE listing requirements specific to the  preparation of Prospectus’s and Circulars, arising from any form of corporate action undertaken by companies listed on the JSE.​

​Jackie also has extensive experience in accounting to balance sheet including IFRS compliance. Her consulting experience includes assisting with valuations for a wide range of small to medium sized businesses in a variety of different industries, financial due diligence and financial modeling. She has completed the Broad Based Black Economic Empowerment Management Development Program and consults with clients on matters relating to B-BBEE compliance.​


  • External Audit
  • Valuations
  • Consulting on various accounting matters


  • Registered with Independent Regulatory Board for Auditors  (IRBA)
  • Member of South African Institute of Chartered Accountants


  • Registered Auditor with Independent Regulatory Board   for Auditors
  • JSE approved  Auditor
  • JSE approved Reporting Accountant Specialist


  • Bachelor of Accounting Science (Honours)
  • Chartered Accountant (South Africa)
  • Broad Based Black Economic Empowerment Management Development Programme