Tailored audit services, market-leading technologies and innovative methodologies.
At RSM, we understand that an audit should be more than just examination of the financial statements. This is why our dedicated audit teams provide our clients with a clear picture of where they currently stand and provide the insights they need to make better decisions for the future.
Auditing requires the application of rigorous standards, scepticism, objectivity and professional competence. The RSM Audit approach blends technical competencies, with a detailed knowledge of the client, its markets and the industry sector, all underpinned by the use of RSM Luca, our dynamic digital audit ecosystem. This enables us to deliver compelling human insights powered by technology.
Using this methodology, we offer tailored audit services with a strong emphasis on early planning. We identify key financial statement components and tailor procedures to the unique aspects, size and nature of your business.
The process involves:
- Obtaining an understanding of the client’s business from both an accounting and business perspective
- Assessing the risk of material misstatements (including fraud risk) and the controls in place to prevent these risks
- Where appropriate, testing certain identified controls
- Selecting appropriate analytical and substantive audit procedures to obtain evidence
- Conducting structured audit procedures to ensure that the correct conclusions are drawn
- Forming an opinion and reporting under the applicable laws and standards
- Communicating with management on an ongoing basis throughout the audit
RSM have extensive experience offering auditing and assurance services to a wide range of industry sectors and business types from family-owned businesses to large private companies, retirement funds or listed companies, in the private and public sectors.
Read more about RSM's dynamic digital audit ecosystem

RSM Luca is our dynamic digital audit ecosystem, enabling us to deliver compelling human insights powered by technology.
JSE listed entities
RSM South Africa is able to perform audit and review services for listed entities on the Johannesburg Stock Exchange (JSE) . A number of directors within the firm are certified as JSE approved Auditors and JSE approved Reporting Accountant Specialists qualified to perform all functions in terms of the JSE listing requirements specific to preparation of Prospectuses and Circulars as a result of any form of corporate action undertaken by listed companies.
Our Audit and Assurance service offering includes:
RSM's Audit & Assurance Leaders
RSM provide Audit & Assurance services through a dynamic digital audit ecosystem globally called RSM Luca. This ensures RSM members firms across the world are able to offer a seamless delivery of high quality audit services.
Types of audit services
Independent reviews
At RSM we are able to provide independent reviews for shareholders, financial institutions and other key stakeholders. This provides an objective assessment given by an unbiased and skilled professional of the organisation’s financial position.
We tailor our approach to meet the specific requirements of each client and focus on identifying key risk areas and action points, and addressing any specific issues/concerns that may be identified.
Statutory audits
The quality of a business audit that inspires investor confidence is built on the integrity, competence, objectivity and independence of our profession. At RSM, each audit strategy is tailored to the unique requirements of each client, one that demonstrates a thorough understanding of your needs, how you operate as a business, as well as a deep understanding of your key business and financial risks.
Multinational audits
RSM specialise in providing auditing and assurance services to companies with a global footprint. We recognise the importance of having a service provider that understands the economies that you trade in and being able to integrate that into the group audit strategy as well as the financial results.
Technical accounting opinions
RSM can help your organisation to improve the effectiveness and efficiency of your financial reporting to meet the requirements of key regulatory bodies. Our team are highly knowledgeable and up to date with all regulatory body developments and provide you with high-level advice on issues relating to:
- IFRS for SMEs
Contact us
RSM’s Audit & Assurance consultants provide tailored, clear and straightforward strategies to help you achieve your business audit & assurance goals. Contact out team to find out more about our Audit and Assurance services.