Anna Maria Allievi
Chairman of the Scientific Committee

Anna Maria is a chartered accountant and auditor and is currently the Chairman of the Scientific Committee of RSM Società di Revisione e Organizzazione Contabile S.p.A..
She is Chairman of the Boards of Statutory Auditors of two listed companies such as Credito Emiliano S.p.A. and Interpump Group S.p.A., in addition to being Chairman or member of Boards of Statutory Auditors of other companies and Public Entities and teaches "Economics and Financial Strategy of Enterprises" as an Adjunct Lecturer at Università Statale di Milano.

Anna Maria consolidated her auditing experience at Deloitte & Touche, being part of the National Technical Department, for a total of twenty years. She then combined her career as an Auditor with the development of distinctive skills as an Advisor as well as in Quality Control in order to support the Board in its improvement strategies.
Alongside this activity, she was appointed to serve on several Boards of Auditors such as CIR S.p.A. and IGD SIIQ S.p.A. (listed) and several Clinics and Hospitals. These experiences have enabled her to greatly expand her knowledge related to corporate governance issues, as well as those related to the controls of administrative - accounting processes, allowing her to better advise and support the boards of the companies with which she came in contact.

In addition, she has had the opportunity to manage different projects characterized by a high level of complexity on issues related to quotations, due diligence, reengineering projects of risk management, internal control and corporate governance systems, managing and coordinating multiple teams, as well as having been responsible for the training of professional staff for several years.

Among the various sectors in which she has worked, she has gained in-depth knowledge of banking and finance.

Anna Maria has authored articles for the magazine "Il Revisore Legale", on top of various pubblications for universities and has participated as a trainer in ABI, Paradigma and other prestigious bodies and institutions.
She is fluent in English and proficient in French, thanks to various experiences abroad.


  • Chairman of the Scientific Committee of RSM Società di Revisione e Organizzazione Contabile S.p.A.
  • Chairman of boards of statutory auditors of listed companies as well as other entities
  • Adjunct lecturer at the “Università Statale” of Milan in economic and financial disciplines
  • Consultant on various accounting and auditing issues
  • In charge of the implementation and maintenance of the Quality Control system
  • Lecturer in employee training courses in the financial sector
  • Lecturer, at prestigious Universities or Associations, of various courses related to the audit approach (process analysis, identification of risks and related controls)
  • First Auditor and then member of the Technical Department at Deloitte & Touche for more than 20 years