Well done to Statistics New Zealand for providing some clarity and visibility around how much our NFP sector in NZ contributes to the economy.

NFP Infographic

These are significant numbers in anyone’s language and help to demonstrate how large and important this sector is to New Zealand ….and that is before you then contemplate the considerable, currently non-measured and more intangible, positive impacts provided by the entities in the NFP sector on New Zealand society.

While some readers may no doubt quibble that these are 2013 statistics, the value in having a credible organisation like Statistics NZ being able to provide snapshots at a point in time from a comprehensive information set is appreciated.  It is also enlightening and interesting to see some of the main trends over time including:

  • The sector continues to grow in entity numbers
  • A greater number of volunteers but fewer hours being worked overall by them
  • Professionalism continues to increase with:
    • growth in paid employees
    • sales of goods and services up 71 percent from 2004 to $8.3 billion

More information can be found at the following link Non-profit Institutions Satellite Account: 2013