There simply aren’t enough hours in a day to accomplish the things you want in your business let alone in other areas of your life – time with your family, time to relax, read a book, or do something just because it’s fun.

If your business dominates your life and you find yourself missing out on the things that really ARE important - ask yourself this question:

Do you have a business, or does your business have you?

  • Do you spend too much time working IN your business and not enough time working ON it?
  • Are you up late at night or during the weekend catching up on admin?
  • Can your business keep running successfully if you’re not there?
  • Does your business get in the way of spending time with your family and the things you love to do?
  • Does your business work for you … or do you work for your business?

What is a work/life balance anyway?

It’s really a misnomer. There is not your work, and then your life. There is just your life, of which work is a component. It’s how you fit that component into your life that makes the difference.

If this continues to be a challenge, you run the risk of becoming stale, exhausted and stressed out – no good for your business, no good for your family, and not good for you.

We’ll let you in on a secret – if you have a life with everything included (and nothing left out) you’ll turn your energy on its head. You’ll have a fresh approach, greater clarity and objectivity, you’ll feel inspired and accomplish more that you ever thought possible.

If you’re constantly struggling to strike a balance between your business and your personal life, perhaps it’s time to take back the reins and start really being THE BOSS.

This article was first published in the June 2016 edition of Trial Balance - read more here