Scott Garratt

Scott initially worked as a commercial accountant, then in business services for several large UK companies in London. When he moved back to New Zealand and joined the RSM team, Scott’s extensive experience meant he quickly became a Principal. Scott specialises in working with clients to grow their businesses, improve profits and boost their cashflow. This involves planning and forecasting, then working with the owners to develop and implement practical steps to get them where they want to be. Scott is also responsible for managing the team at our Auckland North office, encouraging their personal and professional growth.

Scott attained a Diploma in Accountancy at Auckland University of Technology and is a Member of Chartered Accountants Australia and New Zealand (CAANZ), a professional association of Chartered Accounts. 

With a real passion for working alongside clients to develop close, effective working relationships and help their businesses continue to prosper and grow in today’s challenging environment, Scott strives to ensure that services provided are the best possible and of real value.

"Success is not final, failure is not fatal: it is the courage to continue that counts"

~ Winston Churchill