In the global environment which is home to today's businesses management staff in charge of companies in Poland must be ready to deliver swift, timely and flawless reporting to owners and controlling departments, meeting strictly defined expectations regardless of how complex or inconsistent with Polish rules of accountancy they may be.
In order to meet the market's current expectations we advise our clients in all areas related to local and international reporting. We offer support in finding solutions to complex issues in corporate accounting and financial reporting as per international, American or any other required standards. We take time to compare accounting principles that have been in use thus far with those resulting from new requirements and identify areas in which financial statements and management reports lack consistency with those requirements.
We analyse differences, point to necessary changes and assist in drafting an accounting policy that is compliant with certain standards – always customised to meet the client's individual needs. Additionally, we may prepare financial statements for you in line with both reporting standards and the unique nature of your business.

See how we can help you
Outsourced reporting services include in particular:
- Conversion of reports into IASs/IFRSs, that is redrafting reports/group packages into reports compliant with rules of accountancy as per international financial reporting standards;
- Conversion of reports into US GAAP, that is redrafting reports/group packages into reports compliant with rules of accountancy as per American financial reporting standards;
- Reporting and preparing financial statements according to IASs/IFRSs, that is periodical (annual, quarterly, monthly or, on client's request, more frequent) drafting of reports/group packages and financial statements as per international financial reporting standards;
- Reporting and preparing financial statements according to US GAAP, that is periodical (annual, monthly or, on client's request, more frequent) drafting of reports/group packages and financial statements as per American financial reporting standards.
Management reporting
Within our advisory services you will also find management reporting, which is a comprehensive service aiming at providing current monitoring and assessment of the company's financial situation.
We support management staff, controlling departments and company owners in obtaining necessary information to facilitate both daily decision-making as well as development planning or implementing possible recovery programmes at the right moment. We advise our clients to make use of available reference reports, carefully prepared based on our experience of many years. We also offer drafting reports upon individual request.
Management reporting covers i.a. the following:
- Analysis of financial statement;
- Draft and analysis of budget execution reports (management accounts);
- Draft and analysis of reports on revenues and expenses structure;
- Analysis of product sales margin;
- Analysis of production costs and identifying causes behind deviations from normative prices;
- Draft and analysis of individual reports customised to suit the client's need for information.
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