Welcome to the first edition of The Pulse for 2022 >
The impact of COVID-19 on life in Australia over the past 2 years has seen unprecedented pressure on all industries in the healthcare sector.
In part, this has caused some to look at how efficiently they are using technology, protecting data and planning resources.
Health Services by RSM cover these areas and the articles provided this month will no doubt give you cause for thought.
If something here strikes you as interesting and you would like to know more, please contact one of our Health team for a deeper discussion about your particular business challenges.
Don’t hesitate to reach out to our specialist Health advisory, assurance and consulting team should you wish to discuss any of the ideas raised in this publication.
To learn more about Health Services by RSM – click here >
We hope you enjoy the read.

The Health Library

GPs moving to the cloud; not as many roadblocks as you think?
By Rebecca Olsthoorn (6 min read)
The Australian Patent Box Regime provides concessional income tax treatment for eligible ordinary and statutory income derived by a corporate taxpayer in the exploitation of a medical or biotechnology patent. Continue reading
What the proposed Patent Box regime could do for Australian manufacturing businesses
By Jessica Olivier, Ross Dixon & Andrew Barker (3 min read)
In the 2021 Federal Budget, the Australian Government announced plans to introduce our nation’s first Patent Box regime.The regime, which already exists in more than 20 other countries, aims to encourage patent development and its associated research and development (R&D) in Australia. Continue reading
Rapid Antigen Tests – Tax deductibility myths debunked
By Tracey Dunn (4 min read)
If it is the Federal government’s intention that the cost of RATs is tax deductible for individual taxpayers and exempt from Fringe Benefits Tax (FBT) for businesses, legislative change may be required. Continue reading
Health Matters: Using data to drive personalised care, better patient outcomes, and reduce costs
By Jayesh Kapitan (5 min read)
The pandemic means the health sector has had its most challenging and transformative year ever. The move to integrated care systems had already identified digitalisation and integrated solutions as key pillars to improve patient experience and support the drive for treatment closer to home. Continue reading
Medical Research Future Fund
By Jessica Olivier & Steve Elias (2 min read)
The Research Data Infrastructure Initiative (RDII) forms part of the Australian Government’s $20 billion Medical Research Future Fund (MRFF). $80 million over 8 years has been committed to the RDII and is targeting the creation or extension of national research data infrastructure. The MRFF and related initiatives provide a long-term sustainable source of funding for endeavours that aim to improve health outcomes, quality of life, and health system sustainability. Continue reading
The End of Bed Licenses – A game changer for the Aged Care sector?
By Ralph Martin & Nicky Kaindlbauer (5 min read)
The reform of the residential aged care sector aims to improve the choice and quality in residential aged care, and provide people who require residential aged care with more choice and control in managing their arrangements. From 1 July 2024, the Australian government will abolish bed licenses and the Aged Care Approvals Round. Continue reading
Positioning you and your pharmacy for success
By Peter Saccasan & Kian Ghahramani (4 min read)
Pharmacy ownership brings with it the need to deal with a number of important areas. Owners need to assess just where their time is best spent and where it is appropriate to get the right help at the right time.If you can put various pillars in place, you and your pharmacy will be well-placed to take advantage of opportunities and grow. Continue reading
Patent Box Tax Concessions explained
By Jessica Olivier, Simon Aitken, Damian Sellitti & Andrew Barker (5 min read)
The Australian Patent Box Regime provides concessional income tax treatment for eligible ordinary and statutory income derived by a corporate taxpayer in the exploitation of a medical or biotechnology patent. Continue reading
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