Audit Partner
Entered in the register of statutory auditors in 2008, a graduate of the Poznań University of Economics.
Since 2009 a member of RSM Poland.
Since 2000 in auditing, and since 2015 as a manager responsible for the team of experts conducting financial reviews consisting in verification of internal audits in companies, verification of separate and consolidated financial statements, reviews of consolidation packages, investigating merger plans and due diligence (previously performed services for entities such as BDO Numerica and Ernst&YoungAudit).
As a long-term practicing professional, Piotr has shared his knowledge and experience in accountancy (IFRS) and audit through training courses intended for management, finance and accounting authorities and students, as well as during conferences organised by the Poznań University of Economics. Piotr has also been a lecturer for one of the post-graduate programmes on IFRS at Koźmiński Academy in Warsaw and during training courses scheduled by the Polish Accountants’ Association in Poznań. Piotr is a fluent English and German speaker.
He loves exploring mountains and european cities.