Digital Forensics & Investigation

Published on September 14, 2022

The pervasive use of computers and portable electronic devices has resulted in the increasing importance of electronic evidence. Our Digital Forensics & Investigation team is able to assist law firms and corporations to recover the valuable digital 'audit trail' and conduct forensic analysis to ensure that all crucial evidence is available to support an investigation or a legal case. We also conduct commercial investigations for business owners in a wide range of situations such as suspected industrial espionage, copyright infringement and fraud.

Computer Forensics

We assist to recover facts to prove or disprove an allegation pertaining to your case. We use industry accepted forensic tools and work on custodian copies of the acquired data to support our examination, and to ensure evidentiary integrity. Typically, the cases that we have dealt with involve employee data theft, inappropriate computer use, compliance issues and general fraud. Our services include:


Network Intrusion Forensics

We know the anxiety when your network is compromised. Finding out "what", "when", "where" and "why" it happened can be a challenge without the proper knowledge and tools. Our Network Forensics experts are able to re-construct the sequence of events and pinpoint causes of the problem while maintaining evidence integrity to pursue possible legal action. We offer:


Commercial Investigations

Incidents such as fraud, misconduct and data theft might cause harm beyond financial losses, including legal liabilities and reputational damage. Prompt and professional investigations of alleged or suspicious activities are therefore critical to foil such incidents. We assist business owners throughout the entire investigation process:


Our investigation services address:

  • Digital Forensics
  • Cyber Forensics
  • Fraud (e.g. credit card, insurance, charities)
  • Intellectual Property Theft
  • Data Theft
  • Identity Theft
  • Industrial Espionage
  • Misconduct
  • Other Types of Investigations (e.g. pre- & post-employment screening, surveillance)