The Regional NSW Economic Development & Community Investment Program provides up to $5 million towards initiatives that promote regional economic development and support employment.
Examples include industrial precincts, regional airports, tourism infrastructure, start-up hubs, research centres, workforce development services, etc.
The Regional Economic Development and Community Investment Program is open to initiatives that promote significant regional economic development in NSW and support employment creation and retention.
Projects should align with one of the following focus areas:
- Aboriginal economic development and enterprise;
- Community connection and capacity building;
- Improving regional service delivery; and
- Sustainable regional industries.
Grants are available under two streams:
- Up to $5 million for infrastructure projects; and
- Up to $1 million for services and program delivery.
The total funding pool is $50 million. A co-contribution is required and depends on the applicant’s entity type.
Entities that have an ABN and are one of the below:
- Australian company
- Incorporated association or co-operative
- Local Government organisation
- NSW Joint Organisation of Councils or a Regional Organisation of Councils
- Incorporated Aboriginal and Torres Strait Islander Corporation
- Local Aboriginal Land Council
- Australian University
- Regional Development Australia Committee
Projects must be located in one of the 95 regional NSW Local Government Areas (or Unincorporated Far West or Lord Howe Island).
Applications close 20 February 2025.
Rebecca Barnes

Dr Rebecca Barnes, situated in Adelaide, serves as RSM’s National Grants Manager. Rebecca supports organisations from start-ups to large multinationals to identify and access strategic funding opportunities.
With a thorough knowledge of the Federal and State funding landscape, she provides tailored advice regarding Government grant opportunities and develops compelling funding applications. Get in touch with Rebecca >